ReStore 3G – For Your Soil

ReStore 3G offers an array of benefits, all of which work to preform exactly what the product name implies … to aid in restoring, or improving, soil vitality.  It contains high levels of both humic and fulvic acids, bio-ferments, carbohydrates, penetrants, and fungal extracts including an assortment of dormant CFU’s (colony forming units) of beneficial … Read more

Managing Downy Mildew & Powdery Mildew

Downy Mildew on cantaloupes and winter squash (butter-nuts and acorn) has been confirmed throughout much of the Northern United States.  In addition, we are now in the typical summer weather cycle of thunderstorms followed by high humidity that encourages Powdery Mildew on cucurbits and eventually field and tunnel peppers and tomatoes.  Managing these two very … Read more

Making Some Sense on the “Final” Rule on Food Safety

The produce safety rule(s) on food safety are now finalized.  These rules are part of the much larger Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).  They affect everyone who grows, ships, processes, packages, and sells food and food products.  While many smaller growers are exempt from compliance with these rules, that does not remove these same growers … Read more

Managing Early Blight and Septoria Leaf Spot

Early Blight and Septoria Leaf Spot are an annual occurrence in tomato fields, greenhouses, and high tunnels.  ISP Staff, dealer reps, and field consultants all report high levels of this disease.  The high heat and low rainfall earlier this season somewhat slowed these diseases, but the return of rains coupled with lower nighttime temperatures has … Read more

Strawberry Project: Early Results

Although this is just a small part of the overall data, we wanted to get some initial information out.  If you are planning to plant strawberries this summer, we would highly recommend that you apply 16 ounces of MetaboliK HV-1 prior to, or just after planting.  This is based upon the data from the strawberry … Read more

Staying Ahead of Broad Mite in Fruiting Vegetables

Broad Mites have recently become more of a problem on tomatoes, and peppers on Mid-Atlantic Farms.  Damage by Broad Mites can be quite severe on tomatoes and peppers, so growers need to be prepared to protect crops with an effective miticide prior to this pest causing economic losses (see photo below). Due to their extremely … Read more

What’s the Big Deal with Silicon?

ISP Recently released two new products containing plant available silicon.  The products SiMag 58 and SiGuard are designed to enhance levels of silicon, promoting a number of plant functions.  After oxygen, Silicon (Si) is the most abundant element in the earth’s crust, but very little of what is found in soil is in a form … Read more

Empty Greenhouse Space? How about Producing Trellised Cucumbers?

Are you looking at empty greenhouse or high tunnel space now that your bedding plants, hanging baskets, and containers have been sold and moved out?  Consider growing trellised, parthenocarpic cucumbers.  This crop can be successfully grown both in soil and in soilless media, so any structure will do.  Unlike tomatoes and peppers with long days … Read more