Comparison of Delgado Onions: Foliar to No Foliar Applications

Although we did not have an onion variety trial this past season, we did have one small onion project where we took a grower’s onions and applied three foliar applications.  Each foliar consisted of 5 pounds/acre 4-18-38.  The onions were planted with four lines per bed, with dual drip lines per bed.  These foliar applications … Read more

Comparison of Onion Varieties Candy and Delgado

Anyone who has attended our winter meetings the last several years is aware that I’m not a big fan of the onion Candy.  The variety has several positive qualities including large size and a good flavor, and is excellent for the fresh market.  But as with many of the sweet Spanish type onions it is … Read more

Future Research

Every winter we plan our research projects for the coming season, and this year was no different.  In some respects this is one of the most enjoyable activities, as we’re enthusiastic about what we might be able to learn, and as Steve likes to say, “so far everything is perfect!”  To date we have no … Read more