Comparison of Delgado Onions: Foliar to No Foliar Applications

Although we did not have an onion variety trial this past season, we did have one small onion project where we took a grower’s onions and applied three foliar applications.  Each foliar consisted of 5 pounds/acre 4-18-38.  The onions were planted with four lines per bed, with dual drip lines per bed.  These foliar applications … Read more

Red Deuce Foliar Trial

Gary Shafer, ISP Research Whenever possible, if the situation presents itself, we will establish some form of comparative study.  When planting the tomato variety project in the high tunnel, there were three areas that allowed a comparison between foliar and non-foliar in side by side rows.  There was the main planting area, and the ends … Read more

Foliar Applications on Alfalfa to Increase Yield and Quality

Hay Quality can be easily improved with foliar nutrients following each cutting At ISP, the first step in assembling a crop recommendation is to study the crop and how it grows.  From standing alfalfa, we’ve identified several key aspects of plant physiology that will have a significant impact on both tonnage and quality.  First, is … Read more