Developed for onion research in eastern Colorado, 5-25-25 Onion Special is more than just an onion product. It is designed to provide both phosphate and potassium, as well as a rich combination of trace minerals. Being low in nitrogen, it can be either applied with N for a balanced nutrient package, or as a stand-alone product when reducing the percentage of N within the plant sap is desirable. Formulated using a high percentage of potassium chloride, it provides a strong combination of phosphate, potassium, and all essential trace minerals, but is particularly high in zinc. There is a wealth of research indicating that chloride is highly effective in reducing susceptibility to a variety of plant diseases, and this is one part of the benefits that 5-25-25 provides for not only onions, but all of grass crops like small grains, corn and sorghum.

All of these crops are also rather high “users” of chloride as an essential nutrient, as well as zinc, and 5-25-25 aids in providing the necessary levels. Designed to be used primarily as a foliar product, it is also highly effective when applied through drip irrigation.