10-20-20 is used primarily to aid the plant in setting fruit, or more specifically to reduce fruit abortion. Effectiveness has been strong not only on all of the vegetable and fruit crops, but cotton as well … encouraging the cotton plant to hang on to several additional squares. With a balanced nutrient profile, it is a high energy product due to the high levels of sugars, and is very high in all of the essential trace minerals. In field trial after field trial, fruit set has been increased, as well as the flavor of the crop itself … bringing more of the genetic potential to the forefront.

In cotton, it is common to observe not only additional squares being set, but, when examining the more mature bolls, there will usually be higher seed counts. 10-20-20 performs best if adequate nitrogen is present in the soil, or can be coupled with a more vegetative formulation such as 28-16-7. 10-20-20 is a key component in our approach to growing foods “nutrient dense” foods. It is the backbone of our produce programs, and may be applied either as a fertigation additive through drip lines or a foliar with virtually no “burn” when used as directed.