(Rates Based on “Per Acre” with adequate soil nutrient/fertility)
NOTE: This program is presented as a guideline only. With the wide variances possible from both soil types and environmental conditions present during any particular season, your actual recommendation can vary from what is presented. It is always advisable to discuss actual management practices with your local specialist.
New Planting: Ideally, begin preparing the soil for planting at least one year prior, including leveling and killing weeds or other undesirable plants that would interfere with optimum growth. Also begin acidifying the soil using sulfer to a pH of 4.5 to 5.2. If possible it could be beneficial to establish a stand of turf (example orchard grass or tall fescue) between the targeted rows, as well as building organic matter in the 3”-4” wide targeted planting rows. Establish drip irrigation, and if water pH is higher then 5.5 it would be advised to include an acid injector. Broadcast 16 ounces of MetaboliK HV-1 to aid with soil restoration and nutrient efficiency.
Transplant Solution: Per 100 gallons of transplant solution:
25 pounds 10-45-10, and 32 fluid ounces MetaboliK SB (Seed Boost), and 24 fluid ounces PhytoGro Xtra.
Bulk fertility will consist of 50% ammonium sulfate, and 50% ISP 20-5-15 Blueberry Special (low pH, with chelated micronutrients). During first year target 10 units nitrogen, ½ from ammonium sulfate(25 lbs/acre) and ½ from 20-5-15 (25 pounds). Liquify and apply through drip tape, using multiple applications prior to any budding. Aggressive growers are supplying significantly higher N rates to new plantings, up to 90 units, which is showing significantly higher N rates to new plantings, up to 90 units, which is showing much more rapid growth. If using higher N rates then what is shown here, foliar apply 20 pounds per acre 4-18-38 and 32 ounces MetaCal (or CalStore) 6-8 weeks prior to expected frost. This is to provide additional protection against winterkill of shoots.
Year 2: 15 units of N from ammonium sulfate, and 15 units from ISP 20-5-15. Year 3-8: Increase nitrogen by 10 units per year, with half the N being from ammonium sulfate, and half being from ISP 20-5-15. Again these materials should be split applied in multiple applications, and completed prior to the onset of flower buds, Each year, apply HV-1 as outlined under “Established Fields”, and the foliar plant food as outlined above.
Carbon/Humates: Use of carbon products (humates) is becoming more commonplace in blueberry production. PhytoGro Xtra is an excellent choice for carbon. Apply up to 5 gallons per acre, based upon individual practices.
Established Fields: Mist or band spray over the rows 8 ounces MetaboliK HV-1 in early spring at greenup, with another 16 ounces post-harvest. HV-1 may be tank mixed with pesticide applications.
Foliar Applications: At early bud swell apply 15 pounds/acre 10-20-20, with 2 ounces MetaboliK HV-1. This can be tank mixed with other crop protection chemicals. Repeat this application post pollination.
Once fruit has begun to swell, foliar apply from 10-15 pounds (depending upon how heavy a fruit set was achieved) per acre of ISP 4-18-38. This will aid in more uniform ripening, fruit size, firmness, and improved flavor. ISP MetaCal (10% liquid calcium) has also shown good benefit in providing firm fruit when added to the foliar applications. Target application would be 1 gallon per acre, split into at least four applications.