Evolution of Our Website

Looking Back It is quite astonishing to think that a full six years have passed since our last major website update. In this digital age, time certainly seems to move at a brisk pace. During these years, our focus has been unwaveringly on innovation and growth, a fact clearly evident in the array of new … Read more

Sodium, Salt and Soluble Salts …

Gary Shafer, ISP Research In grower meetings during the past couple of months, an often-asked question concerns the terms “salt”; ”sodium”; and “soluble salts”.  It appears there is quite a lot of misunderstanding surrounding these terms.  The most common salt of which most of us are familiar is sodium chloride, or common table salt.  But … Read more

Comparison of Delgado Onions: Foliar to No Foliar Applications

Although we did not have an onion variety trial this past season, we did have one small onion project where we took a grower’s onions and applied three foliar applications.  Each foliar consisted of 5 pounds/acre 4-18-38.  The onions were planted with four lines per bed, with dual drip lines per bed.  These foliar applications … Read more

Continuing To Grow With Blueberries

Last year we were involved with a small blueberry trial in Michigan, and saw good results.  We had the largest yield increase of all the companies in the trail, plus a noticeable increase in berry firmness.  This year, additional growers successfully used CalStore to achieve firmer berries.  The comments we heard were quite encouraging. This … Read more

Red Deuce Foliar Trial

Gary Shafer, ISP Research Whenever possible, if the situation presents itself, we will establish some form of comparative study.  When planting the tomato variety project in the high tunnel, there were three areas that allowed a comparison between foliar and non-foliar in side by side rows.  There was the main planting area, and the ends … Read more

Greenhouse Tomato Variety Results

Gary Shafer, ISP Research We performed several tomato variety trials this year, in both greenhouse and tunnel conditions.  The greenhouse data is shown below.  Some of the challenges were described on the front page, and it was not an easy year.  Diseases identified included; early blight, septoria leaf spot, botrytis (leaf mold), random scerotinia (timber … Read more

Backpack Sprayer Tips; Making This Workhorse Tool Work Better

One of the hardest working tools for vegetable and small fruit growers are our backpack sprayers.  Using them to their fullest will undoubtedly make for better produce through less weed pressure and greater insect, mite and disease management.  Here are some tips for using these workhorses to their fullest and avoiding potential problems. Have separate … Read more

Achieving Good Insect and Disease Control

With what I experienced this past season, we want to discuss controlling insects and disease.  Outstanding control is the culmination of several management decisions.  Obviously, the chemistry choice for control (pesticides and/or biocontrol materials) is of the utmost importance, but your decisions do not end there. You should also consider how your control product works; … Read more